Monday, March 2, 2009

Go Get the Gardener

Looks like your tax dollars to support U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is not exactly nabbing hardened criminals.  An editorial in today's LA Times sheds some light on some of our nation's misguided immigration enforcement efforts.  According to the article, U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrested 96,000 illegal immigrants from 2003-2008.  The Bush Administration increased ICE's budget during this time period by 1,300% to apprehend more illegal immigrants with criminal records.  

Here's the problem:  Almost three-quarters of immigrants arrested did not have a criminal background.  According the report, most were apprehended for illegal entry into the country and ignoring deportation orders.  Most of the immigrants apprehended were working in low-wage service jobs and were posing no real security threat to our country (Unless you see missing aprons and dishrags as a threat to national security).  

We understand that ICE has an enforcement job to do.  However, they may want to re-think their approach to immigration enforcement.  How about deporting hardened criminals that are currently in U.S. prisons?  How about stricter enforcement of cargo entering our borders?  

The senseless raids of workforce sites throughout the country to deport waitresses, car washers and food service workers is not sound security enforcement policy.   


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