Vote 18, a national nonprofit was in Albuquerque on Monday to persuade the 18-24 demographic to get out and vote. So, exactly how do you get youth out to vote? First, I think you need to get them fired up about the issues in their community. No young person likes siphoning the ATM machines to pay for gas. Furthermore, young people don't need the added stress of wondering how they are gonna pay for medical bills when they see the Doctor. Several nonprofit groups in New Mexico focus on mobilizing youth around issues that most affect them and their communities. Groups like Young Women United, who champion comprehensive sex education. The New Mexico Youth Alliance, who partner with the Lt. Governor's Office and the Children's Cabinet to promote positive youth development throughout the state. New Mexico Civic Engagement who organize to develop engaged citizens and future community leaders. Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP) who work diligently to bring social justice issues affecting youth to the forefront. SAGE Council who work on water rights and issues affecting Native American communities.
The youth vote will likely navigate the course for our country in the next four years, while local youth organizing groups will continue to shape statewide policy and have an impact on our most treasured resources--our communities and our people.
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