These are the same racial tactics I discussed in a previous post. Once again, ignorance is alive and well and fear mongering is at the heart of a pathetic GOP strategy. And guess what, the uninformed electorate takes the bait hook, line and sinker. I had a conservative Christian recently tell me: "I would never vote for that Muslim Obama." I tried to set the record straight on Obama's spirituality and this individual was completely uninterested--not even trying to hear a word I was saying. You wanna know why? Because they feel empowered to vilify those that are different from themselves. It's like trying to tell a 5 year old child that there is no Santa Claus. Everything they have been told to this point is now in question and it feels unsafe. Even worse, they don't see themselves as guilty of discrimination without any basis or facts. Ask these same individuals to give you the basic tenets of either the Muslim faith or socialism for that matter and you'll get the same exact blank look.
We must take hate out of the debate. We must ELIMI(HATE)
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